Saturday, June 7, 2014

Two stories of my life

I just love to read inspirational stories.....may be thats because my name "spurthy" means inspiration. But now i just look back at my life and pick up something from it that has made me what ever i am today.These are not just a success stories of my life but inspiring ones to myself that if I can do it once I can do it again.....

Electrical engineering:

I still remember in my class 12 the amount of scare electrical engineering has brought to me. I just hated the site of a resistor or a circuit. i literally hated the ohms law.(By the way anything academic didnt inspire me good then...).Then as fate would have it i ended up taking electrical engineering as the subject in my engineering. I didn't have a choice then provided the rank which I got in the engineering entrance examination. I didn't really study well during my four years of engineering also. After the engineering course I was jobless and had to get a job as soon as I can...(so as to marry the girl I love).
Now I had no other choice but to look at those monsters(read subjects) again...This I was patient with myself and taught myself right from the basics. Thanks to great books and the coaching centers I conquered my fears. Those monsters were my friends. They gave me confidence that no matter what happens i have the subject with me and hence I can survive. Its just that confidence that brought the best out of me. I got the GATE( Indian equivalent of GRE subjects) percentile of 94.5(All India Rank of 767 out of 30000 people appeared for the exam). I didn't give my best during the exam. I panicked in the initial time but fought out in the end. Then I wrote the exam of the executive trainees for NTPC Ltd leading electrical utility in India. This exam was also taken by 30K people in india for electrical engineering and i had to be in the top 55 in order to get a job. that is in the top 0.5% of the lot. During the exam i was at ease with myself and as soon i completed the examination I knew i would make it.
I made it. This turnaround from a scared man about electrical engineering to a selected electrical engineer in India's leading electrical utility was too good to be true.

Few lessons i learnt from the turn around:

1. Things are not as scary as they seem in the beginning.
2. Get used to the uncertainty and surprise new things bring.
3. There are no shortcuts. Practice
4. Be prepared. As Oprah winfrey said, "Luck is where preparation meets opportunity".
5. Never ever give up. If u stumble,get up and try again.

Purpose of life:

This is something that happened to me during my early twenties. I was into a good job and married the girl I loved. Then suddenly after some time life became so predictable. It was as if there was no new challenge to look for. Getting out from bed was purposeless. I was diagnosed with GAD,OCPD( you may be wondering what are those-they are just a form of depression) and panic attacks. I really could not do anything and life seemed to be suddenly off the track. It took real long time to come of this depression phase. Thanks to my wife who stood by me during that patchy phase. She didn't leave me to myself and hoped that I would be fine one day. She tolerated all the non sense i created due to my disturbed mind. I suddenly found something in my infant child then. We all come to this world with nothing in the mind. Mentally we are as blank as nothing. Gradually we learn each and everything in this world. We name things,people,feelings and all the things we sense. This world is created in our thoughts. All the happy moments and dreadful moments in life are nothing but a bunch of thoughts.
With the help of Spiritual path (by following the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and other great hindu books) i could really observe my thoughts. I could find that the disturbances created due to unnecessary worries in the mind. I could understand myself well. This was another turnaround in my life where I fought from state of severe depression to normalcy.

Few lessons i learnt from this psychological turn around:

1. Life is as simple as it is and as complicated as it is. The choice is within us to look at the way we want.
2. There is something (call it God,Destiny,Mother nature,Almighty,Karma...) that runs this universe and puts things in order. Your duty is to be a part of it and do your bit.
3. The purpose of life is to live. Life exists in the present moment. Past is a memory and future is an idea. Present moment is the only truth. Just exist!!!
4. Put all your thoughts into action and do not worry about the result. The result is completely beyond your control. Just do it !!!! success or failure is immaterial...concentrate on the effort.....because effort is all you can care about.
5. You are as you are. You dont achieve anything if you gain something and you are not a failure if you loose something. Its all between two certainties of life and death. Rest is just a play!!!
6. helps to connect with the inner peace....and peace can be attained....

These are some words which i would like to re-read again and again to keep myself better.

God bless.

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