Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Miss you Steve

it has been a really long time since I wrote a blog.I would not have written this too if I didnt have this new iPad in my hand.But this has made me to scribble again and ...yep back always I promise myself to write regularly.The problem with under achievers(ppl like me)is indiscipline.we take hell lot of resolutions and when it comes to delivery we miss the bus.probably that's the major difference between "average " and above average.using this iPad,iPhone and iPod and king of apple products iMac has made me huge fan of Steve jobs (probably the other way round).Still....he is a dream come true and life in a fantasy..but death the ultimate destination Steve talked about has come to him RIP....the world will his magic...and his on stage presence...his lovely Stanford speech is as good as his successful products(great thing is that it's available for free online)....such are the ppl who make their creators proud...hmm it's really nice to write a blog with iPad...feels gud and makes you Proud may be this is the feeling that fairer sex get when they flaunt those expensive jewellery.To me apple and stevejobs in particular seems to be a rare mix of art and technology and that's why ppl love him. He made his profits but the users of the products know it's worth....miss him a it's real test watching the apple without steve at the helm.Great ppl make great organisations and apple has proved it again....

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